Our Mission
Inspiring students to love, learn, and lead together in God's world.
Our Vision
To be the leaders in education by inspiring a diverse and unified student body to love, learn, and lead with God's grace, bringing Christ's love to the world.
Our Core Values
Our Core Values guide 'How' we will pursue our Mission and Vision. Paralleled with our Community Character Traits, they serve as a reminder about the ways in which we, as a community seeking Christ, will grow intellectually, physically, and spiritually.
The Cairn Christian School Community Life Covenant
Referencing our mission, vision and core values, our community life covenant outlines how members of the Cairn Christian School community are to exhibit biblical wisdom and Christian maturity regarding their personal conduct and behaviour toward others.
Cairn Organizational Chart
Following a Policy Governance Model, our Organizational Chart explains who is responsible to whom, for what. The Executive Director (ED) is the sole employee of the Board of Directors (BOD), and sits ex-officio on the BOD. The BOD, accountable to and recruited from the Membership, manages the association by way of policies put in place for the ED to work within its bounds.
History / Affiliations
Cairn Christian School came about in 1999 as the Niagara Association for Christian Education, when supporters of John Knox Christian School and Covenant Christian School believed they would be more effective in providing excellent Christian education to the West Niagara and East Hamilton areas by working together. In 2009, the Wellandport Christian School Society and NACE amalgamated our two associations, again believing we could be ‘stronger, together’. But in reality, our schools have a much older history, reaching back well over a century.
Our schools were established in a reformed tradition that places a high value on education that grows out of a Christian worldview. Their foundational principle has been – and continues to be - the acknowledgement that Jesus is Lord over all of life, and that this is true of the realm of education as well. In fact, because every system of education tries to explain to its students how the world came to be the way it is, what their place is in this world, and how the world can become a better place, teaching children from a Christian perspective is especially important in their formation. Cairn Christian School is an independent group of Christians who work to maintain schools that are excellent, inclusive, and integrally Christian in their approach. This is why our schools are happy to be places where Christians from over thirty different churches flesh out together what it means to serve God and each other in education. We extend the invitation to everyone who shares this vision to join us in this rewarding, multi-faceted mission!
Our schools are active members of Edvance; a support organization which is dedicated to fostering excellence in elementary and secondary Christian Schools in Ontario and Eastern Canada.
Many of our staff are members of Vocate; an employment services organization for Christian school employees in Ontario and beyond. They advocate on behalf of their members in order to build healthy workplaces.